Thank you very much for this feedback. My Display is brand new, so I did not
know if I was doing something wrong. I will also place a mail to Apple
Accessibility, may be they will address this.
Daniela Rubio T
iPhone: +34662328507
El 11/11/2013, a las 22:15, Eugenia Firth escribi
Hi there.
My Braille Edge 40 is not routing all that great either, but it is routing over
short distances. I still have an open case on mine. Maybe if we're lucky, that
will help with others, even though it's a different braille display.
On Nov 11, 2013, at 2:51 PM, Daniela Ru
I am using a Brailliant 32, and I find it very nice. The thing is that I can’t
bring my cursor where I want using the ruter keys at the top of the letters,
doe’s anybody can give me an idea on how to make this work? Thanks!
Daniela Rubio T
iphone: +34662328507
Daniela Rubio T