I’ve found that the labeling is dependent on your provider. For example with
gmail the labels on the Mac are “Archives” and “Archives” whereas on the iPHone
they are “All Mail” and “Archives”. Go figure.
Dave Carlson
Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar
> On Nov 18, 20
Thanks for the tip of pressing the edit button above the list of all mail
boxes. I tried this but alas All Junk was not in the list of possible mail
boxes while All Sent, All Drafts, All Rubbish and All Archive were in this
list. Strangely on Bigsur on my iMac All Junk is in the list of p
At the very top of your screen in the mail app, there is a edit button. Double
tap that, once you do that, the all junk, in box, all drafts, will show.
Select the one’s you would like to see, and then double tap on done.
My groups
User of just apple products, like to ask and answer without ot
I am running IOS 14.2 on my iPhoneSE 2020. I have 3 Email accounts. Some time
ago on an older IOS release I set up All Inbox, All Draft, All Archive and All
Bin mail boxes which are all very useful. Alas I cannot remember how I did that
and google offers no help. I now want to set up an A