Hi and thanks for that info. I’ll have to investigate that possibility, didn’t
even know it was there. Well you learn new things every day i guess.:-)
> 23 okt. 2017 kl. 19:38 skrev Andrew Lamanche :
> Hi Krister,
> In the Contacts aapp itself under the card menu there’s an item “
Hi Krister,
In the Contacts aapp itself under the card menu there’s an item “look for
duplicates…”. When activated, it will show you duplicate cards and you can then
use another menu item to merge duplicates into one card.
> On Oct 23, 2017, at 6:13 PM, Krister Ekstrom
> wrote:
> H
I have a contacts list that is very messy to say the least. It looks big but
that’s because there are lots and lots of duplicate contacts, so now i wonder
if there’s an accessible, good app that works worldwide that can clean up
duplicates and merge different contacts if there is differen