Try MyFitnessPal It was featured on AccessWorld. Very usable.
> On Nov 30, 2017, at 6:44 AM, Nickus de Vos wrote:
> Hi
> Last I used My Fitness Pal a couple of months ago, it was almost totally
> accessible with voiceover. Great thing about My Fitness Pal is that you can
> also use it on your
Last I used My Fitness Pal a couple of months ago, it was almost totally
accessible with voiceover. Great thing about My Fitness Pal is that you can
also use it on your computer threw a browser, so you can build your meals, etc.
on the computer, then just quickly and easily add them on the ap
Hello friends!
Here I come with a question about an accessible and practical nutrition
tracking app.
Recently, dew to medical therapy, I started a diet in which I need to track my
nutrition intake (net carbs, proteins and fats). I have tried with Carb
Manager; and some months ago, it was worki