do you really think it is safe or wise to write to the list with your bank card
On Nov 27, 2013, at 10:25 PM, Angus MacKinnon wrote:
> Using OS 10.9, is it possible to phone 1-866-222-3456 (TD Bank) and enter
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
FaceTime is not designed to make such calls. You will need a Skype
subscription instead. FaceTime allows you to make calls to other Apple
devices, both Mac and iOs only.
E-mail Facebook and iMessage
On 28/11/2013 03:25, Angus MacKinnon wrote:
Using OS 10.9, is it poss
Using OS 10.9, is it possible to phone 1-866-222-3456 (TD Bank) and enter 1305
380 612 039 (Bank Card) with FaceTime? I have my pin covered. Or is a Skype
script needed?
Angus MacKinnon
Written using a 27 inch iMacD
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