Q: when they stop working on additional support, do they leave patches
available as far as they last fixed them?
Pulling the plug entirely wouldn't be very kind!
- Original Message -
From: "Sabahattin Gucukoglu"
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: The end of al
Ok, thanks for all this, all.
- Original Message -
From: "Rob"
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: Installing windows on my mac using bootcamp
there are 2 podcasts on
AppleVis.com doing a demo of installing BootCamp.
and below is what I did to install windows 7
How accessible is the multi-boot process - in order to select the operating
system you want.
Also, how accessible are the two partitions, if you want to migrate files
between those two systems.
Thanks, Me.
- Original Message -
From: "Christopher Hallsworth"
Sent: Tuesday, August