Windows Audio wit VM Fusion

2019-06-22 Thread KellyFord
Hi, I am curious if anyone else can duplicate an issue or has a suggestion for a work around? I installed Fusion 11 on a MacBook Pro. I then created a new Windows VM and booted from an ISO for the most current release of Windows 10. I was able to get Narrator to start to do the Windows in

Math Content and VoiceOver with Safari

2019-06-07 Thread KellyFord
Hi, Does anyone know the current story with MathML content and VoiceOver with Safari? For example is there any way to have the braille of this show up as Nemeth code? Kelly Thank you, Kelly Connect with me Twitter My Blog

RE: VMWare Fusion Question or Two

2018-11-30 Thread KellyFord
Hi, I have checked the sound cards that the screen readers are configured for and all of that is correct. So far I've not found any errors in logs. I use virtual machines from both VMWare and VirtualBox daily on Windows but wanted to add a Mac to my environment for some work I'm doing and hope