Re: Simple editing in Amadeus Pro

2009-08-24 Thread Gene Richburg
ors and upload the guide. Please let me know before you upload it. Best regards: Søren Jensen Mail & MSN: Website: On 23/01/2009, at 21.23, Gene Richburg wrote: > > Hi yeah I gota say that I don't understand how you select some

Re: Simple editing in Amadeus Pro

2009-08-23 Thread Gene Richburg
Hi yeah I gota say that I don't understand how you select something either I read that quick start guide on icanwork this but it gets kind of complecated trying to get the program to select something. I have tried setting the markers but that doesn't work and when I try to either ext

Re: Help with Transmit, please.

2009-08-12 Thread Gene Richburg
Hi Brent, try command o that is the command to open a file or folder almost anywhere with in leopard! Gene - Original Message - From: "Brett Campbell" To: Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 12:09 PM Subject: Help with Transmit, please. > > When in Transmit, I see my stuff and their stu

artiles posted to this list

2009-07-31 Thread Gene Richburg
Hi I was wondering if anyone could tell me why any some one posts an article to the list you always have to go the ws and dig it out of all the clutter. Why couldn't folks just copy the article to the clipboard and paste it into the message so that we don't have to spend time trying to find it?

Re: super duper

2009-07-28 Thread Gene Richburg
! only copies HFS+ (Mac-native) volumes. > > > HTH > > Cheers, > > Esther > > On Jul 28, 2009, Gene Richburg wrote: > >> >> Hi guys I forgot to mention that when I wanted to slec

super duper

2009-07-28 Thread Gene Richburg
Hi guys I forgot to mention that when I wanted to slect my dvd drive in the second pop up menu it wasn't there even though there was a blank disk in the drive. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacV

super duper question

2009-07-27 Thread Gene Richburg
Hi guys, wondering if someone has an answer to this one. I want to use super duper to back my hd up to a dvd and I was hoping to compress it so that it would hopefully all fit on one disk, is this possible? --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message becau

Re: security for the mac

2009-05-15 Thread gene richburg
Hi Alex: Oh ok thanks for letting me know. I wonder if the latest updates fix this? --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@goog

security for the mac

2009-05-14 Thread gene richburg
Hi guys wI would like to know if anyone has a good recomendation for a good security package that is accessible with vo? I think I might have a virus or something because when ever I try to go to a website like safari always says busy and then it lies to me and says it's r

Re: Using a mac

2009-05-14 Thread gene richburg
Hi Simon, you can alsogo to and find the 7 demos from mike areg! He's done some pretty good walkthrough tutorals on things like setting up mail to looking at differentweb pages with safari pages. He also demonstrates ia little of itunes and how to run windows on a mac fr

how to move wireless networks up or down in the list

2009-05-05 Thread gene richburg
Hi ya know I have a simular question but it has to do with wireless networks. I have my wireless prefered network setup in my macbook, but I want it at the top of the list and the help, well isn't all that helpfull it just talks about how to use the mouse to drag a wireless network up or down

Re: problems playing midi files

2009-05-04 Thread gene richburg
Hi ok guys well I got to the ws and found the beatles tracks and press vo space on one and all it did was said html content and then when I went back to play one of the midi files I already have it says quicktime player critical alert the movie could not be opened opperation could not be compl

Re: problems playing midi files

2009-05-04 Thread gene richburg
Hi thanks for the tip I'll try that I don't use my mac a whole lot yet so I'm gonna see if I can figure out how to get this message into the mail program so that I can press enter on the link or I might just put it in manually. Anyway I'll see what it does. One thing that was kind of strange

Re: DVI to Video (not VGA) Adapter or Monitor connection needed [was Re: Slow Mac Mini]

2009-05-04 Thread gene richburg
Hi Guys, this doesn't apply to the ibook as well does it? I'm just wondering because from time to time I'll be arrowing down through something in finder and it will say busy and then lie to me and tell me that it's ready only to find that it really isn't. Gene --~--~-~--~~--

problems playing midi files

2009-05-04 Thread gene richburg
Hi guys I was wondering if anyone would happen to know why I am unable to play midi files on my ibook? They open with quick time but it says unable to play file and it gives some kind of opperating system error. I can find out what that error is if need be, but the computer is an ibook g4 pro

Re: Slow Mac Mini

2009-05-04 Thread gene richburg
Hi yeah I have the same problem in some instances but I'm thinking it might be because my mac is a 1.07 ghz g4 processor it happens when I try to arrow down through things some times I'll get to a certain thing and then it'll freeze up and say busy and then it'll lie to me and say ready then I'