Kara is correct. For those of you attended CSUN in March, and recall
the iVisit demonstration of SeeStar and SeeScan--well, you were
watching a camera cellphone with less than 3 megapixels. It could
identify money, and while it is limited in how small print can be, it
is surprisingl
I did have a correspondence in regard to using the template chooser for
Pages with accessibil...@apple.com. From what they write, I get the
idea that they are not happy that one has to use a physical mouse to
access the template. This is indication enough that no, using a
physical mouse doe
Have any of you had the experience of being with another person who
attracts bugs whenever outdoors? My wife will be bitten by mosquitos
when I swear there are none around. In physical reality, I seldom
attract any biting bugs, but in the virtual world, I have a talent that
sometimes is a n
Some of us were around even before the Echo and Cricket. My first
Apple was an Apple II-I--from 1977, and I was already out of undergrad
school and working before Apple began.
Anyone remember the Vocoder, or early Votrax?
Yes, I do remember Mountain Hardware, and owned one of their
sibil...@apple.com Fri Jun
05 01:26:17 2009 +
To: Gary W. Kelly
From: Accessibility
Subject: Re: Pages Questions--Using VoiceOver
Hi Gary:
Please accept our apologies for the delay.
We were able to confirm there is a bug that prevents accessing the
contextual menu for highlighted text in