Re: windows on a mac, but how?

2013-04-20 Thread Eric Heil
Hello When people install windows, but they basically do is Nemac to use VMware fusion. However, for the windows install, you can use narrator. This however is not accessible throughout the entire installation. I was able to install a virtual copy although it took some guesswork. But, as possibl

Re: Skype

2013-04-20 Thread Eric Heil
Hello What's interesting is that at least on android devices, there are more settings available. For instants, you can actually send and receive files. This does not seem to be possible within the iPad version. Also, what about conferences? Or, conference calls to be exact? Again, not possible w

Re: New Podcast: A very in depth look at Google Chrome

2013-02-27 Thread Eric Heil
Hello, First of all I want to say that you did a very good job on the podcast. Good job. However, when installing in Lenox, and also a Macintosh is there a way to use the Google TTS? What I mean is the version of it that shifts with me Nexus 7/10 tablets. That I believe is one of the best speec

Re: Intonation

2013-02-20 Thread Eric Heil
Hello, Internation is simply a numerical value assigned to how expressive a voice is. So, for example if you have internation set to zero, your voice will sound very monotone, almost like a robot. On the other hand, if you have intimation set to 100, it will be very expressive. Hope this helps.

Re: - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-20 Thread Eric Heil
Hello everyone How are you? Well, this is a great service. One of us on the list to get in touch with ooTunes, I have this added to their blindest category. For those of us GV to have other players installed. Because ooTunes is a very popular media player on iOS devices. Sent from my iPad On

Re: Accessible iOS sound editor

2013-01-16 Thread Eric Heil
ast/episodes/getting-started-hokusai-free-and-fully-accessible-multitrack-audio-editor-ios > > In case that link wraps, here's a shortened version that should also work: > > > And here's the URL for Hokusai at the app store: > https://itunes.appl

Accessible iOS sound editor

2013-01-14 Thread Eric Heil
Hello everyone How are you? I am new to do list, and so far, it seems to me that everybody is very knowledgeable about various Mac, and iOS devices. I was wondering if any of you could recommend an accessible iOS app that is for sound editing. Hopefully, this'll be a native iPad app, so I won't