> ergonomics, how quickly you can get the unit turned around when you need it
> maintained.
> It sounds like you're in a position to get your hands, literally, on some of
> these devices and I think that's the best approach.
> Happy searching. Braille is beautiful!
> Jonatha
> Best,
> Eileen
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 26, 2014, at 7:00 AM, Aimee Harwood wrote:
>> Thank you Piotr! This is the kind of thing I'm looking for.
>> I have a Brailliant demo coming to the A T center hopefully Friday.
combination of NVDA and Window-eyes, which is now
> free for users of Office 2010 or newer. Both of them rely far more on the com
> interface of office rather than screen scraping which translates to a more
> stable experience and the fact that reading is way more accurate And of
> cou
Hello Jonathan. I actually agree that the prices have come down a good bit. I
am getting the display purchased for me, so I can go for the larger display if
need be. I had hoped that you would have given me some of your wonderful
insight on pros and cons of the displays that I had listed. I curr
n looking for, but will also work with two
> devices. I use an alva with my iPhone, and it also works with the Mac as
> well.
>> On Feb 23, 2014, at 8:07 PM, Aimee Harwood wrote:
>> Hello listers. I am trying to decide what braille display to get. I am going
>> t
Hello listers. I am trying to decide what braille display to get. I am going to
get at least a 40 but am considering an 80. My main question to you is, those
of you that use your displays for work, which is better? Can I use a 40
productively, or would I be better off with an 80?
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