Note that the details of the breakage of port libgcc-devel don't matter
to me if I don't need it, and can use something else instead.
Thanks in advance for helping me understand,
—Jim DeLaHunt
[1] <>, ' libgcc-devel
addition documented? How should I as a user
think of it?"
Best regards,
—Jim DeLaHunt
`port help select` in your shell to find out more.
Unfortunately, I do not see it described in the MacPorts Guide
<> or the MacPorts wiki
Does this answer your question?
—Jim DeLaHunt
on filesystems.
I'm sorry this is so wordy, and I hope you see the distinctions I'm
trying to explain. And, I hope this helps you figure out a solution.
Please let the list know what you find out.
Best regards,
—Jim DeLaHunt, software engineer, Vancouver, Canada
mechanisms will protect the content
from too much of my damage.
My thanks to everyone who maintains this machinery, and to the
maintainers who swoop in and fix the things I file tickets about. I
appreciate your work.
—Jim DeLaHunt
P.S. maybe I should add a HOWTO <>
encouraging contributions to the wiki?
your concern about the content getting
overwritten, I think it's also important to put the content somewhere
where people can see it. Trac has blocked off the best structures, so we
are left with second-best.
—Jim DeLaHunt
On 2020-09-08 09:14, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
On Sep 7, 2020, at 18:24, Jim DeLaHunt wrote:
Hello, MacPorts folks:
Is there a protocol for making improvements to wiki pages at beyond,
"log in, press the edit button, and make the change"? I have a documentation
Is this warning related to the upgrade of MacPorts base recently?
What is the significance of this warning? What, if anything, should I
do about it?
Thank you for your insight,
—Jim DeLaHunt
On 2020-11-17 20:23, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
On Nov 17, 2020, at 20:04, Jim DeLaHunt wrote:
Hi, folks:
In doing my daily `sudo port selfupdate` on 16 November UTC, I encountered a
warning which is new to me:
"Warning: No port […portname…] found in index"
In redoing `sudo port
connections on
Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"? )
Observed on Monday 2021-07-12 at 06:20h UTC (2021-07-11 at 23:20h PDT).
It was working 2 hours ago.
. --Jim DeLaHunt, (
multilingual websit
ur as
without the "port clean --archive".
Is there a way to avoid the tedium of unnecessary configure and build
Best regards,
—Jim DeLaHunt
On 2021-07-12 17:23, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
On Jul 12, 2021, at 01:22, Jim DeLaHunt wrote: appears to be malfunctioning right now. When I take
my browser to that page, I get a message:
Warning: Authentication error. Please contact your administrator.
Trac Error
, Ryan! That is exactly what I was looking for.
port -o -k install myport is my friend right now. bbedit $(port work
myport)/.macports.myport.state is my new friend.
Thank you!
—Jim DeLaHunt
log every
message it prints on the terminal. You should expect to see every line
from the terminal repeated in the log file.
I hope this helps you get a step farther,
—Jim DeLaHunt
d some entries with `archs='i386
x86_64'`. I already got rid of the `i386` arch entry.
Thank you in advance for your help.
—Jim DeLaHunt
"? Or should I
replace them with the value "arm64"?
I don't see any mention in the Migration instructions about modifying
"archs" entries when migrating from one architecture to another.
[1] <>
[2] <>, tiff@4.3.0_0+universal:
Failed to destroot tiff, "libtiff-4.pc differs"
.--Jim DeLaHunt, Vancouver, Canada
On 2022-04-11 19:10, Jim DeLaHunt wrote:
Hello, MacPorts folks:
I am following the MacPorts wiki "Migration"[1] instructions as I move
from a macOS 10.14.6 Mojave machine with an intel CPU to a macOS 13.1
Monterey machine with an arm64 CPU.…
Ahem. The new machine is of course ma
Thank you for your advice!
—Jim DeLaHunt
.--Jim DeLaHunt, Vancouver, Canada
Thank you for the reply, Ryan. This is very helpful.
On 2022-06-02 19:33, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
On Jun 1, 2022, at 17:31, Jim DeLaHunt wrote:
Should I expect a +quartz variant to propagate to dependencies, and overrule
existing variants?
Variants specified on the command line when installing
question. There might be more insight in the blog posts
tagged with "free space" <>.
TL;DR: File systems aren't as simple as they used to be.
I hope this is helpful,
--Jim DeLaHunt
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