Is anyone still using/building on Sierra?
I've got a 2012 Mac mini that's frozen on Sierra (obsolete FireWire
device/driver) with
gettext @
gettext-runtime @0.21_0+universal (active)
gettext-tools-libs @0.21_0 (active)
If I try to update anything that has a gexttext-
I just did a `sudo port install perl5.34`, anticipating that doing so
would "activate" it (and the build output indicated that step was
taken), presumably bumping the /opt/local/bin/perl sym link to the new
version and… apparently that was the wrong thing to assume, since that
sym link no longe
I didn't have the perl5 port installed on this system at all, just the
several perl5.xx ports. So I did `sudo port install perl5`.
And that's neat, but:
[58] (gr@wedge:~)% which perl
[59] (gr@wedge:~)% ls -l `!!`
ls -l `which perl`
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 8 Dec 6
You got the link /opt/local/bin/perl -> perl5.28 from the default variant of
perl5 as you did not specify which variant you wanted.
$ port info perl5
perl5 @5.28.3 (lang)
Sub-ports:perl5.16, perl5.18, perl5.20, perl5.22, perl5.24,
perl5.26, perl5.28, perl5.30, pe