I have install it.
Now how does one activate it to view a youtube video?
using mps-youtube in terminal does nothing
Help- please.
On 27 Feb 2020, at 13:17, dan d. wrote:
I have install it.
I don't see a port named "mps-youtube" in MacPorts or any port that
mentions it in its info. Is mps-youtube part of some other port?
This is the MacPorts-Users mailing list. It is not a general F/OSS
mailing list.
Now how
My mistake, it should be "smtube" instead.
How does one run it is my basic question.
Entering it at the command line does nothing.
On Thu, 27 Feb 2020, Bill Cole wrote:
> On 27 Feb 2020, at 13:17, dan d. wrote:
> > I have install it.
> How?
> I don't see a port named "mps-youtu
To use "smtube", the best way is to go to
and double-click
Good luck! Just tried it and still works for me, although I see something is
going on with a Google "quota exceeded" thing today... anyway it redirects to
Youtube.com and that works fine for me too!
Oh, maybe spoke too soon... it goes to youtube.com, but then the vids are not
opening... have to see if there's an update to smplayer perhaps, I guess, or
some other weirdness...
If you're on an older Mac that could make use of smtube.app, I presume you also
know about TenFourFox, the FireFox b
On Thu, 27 Feb 2020, Bill Cole wrote:
Just a quick side-track: is there a pointer somewhere to these obscure
commands? It seems that I come across a new one with each new thread
on this list...
Well, which "obscure" commands are you looking for? 'man dscl' will give
you extensive instructio
I just bumped it to the latest version for lastic, who hasn't been around
The newest version is indicating they want you to register for a Youtube API
key -- I haven't done that as yet, but presumably it will make it work as it
did before.
On 2020-02-27, at 12:41 PM, Ken Cunningham