> It is a delicate siuation, with Ken we were supposing to make a static
> version or link statically, so that an upgrade does not "turn down"
> all MacPort compilers.
Ideally the compiler should have as few fragile deps as possible. Static
linking in the compiler deps might help us get to a
On 2020-11-08 08:18:22 +0100 Ryan Schmidt
On Nov 7, 2020, at 12:46, Riccardo Mottola wrote:
I need to rebuild a package which is not working due to a dependency
upgrde. revdep "catches" it but revdep fails to build it because it
the wrong compiler and I need to force i
This looks interesting, esp. for those who need to do tests either in scripts
or programs. Those who don't might still want to be aware that there might be
RARE cases of something thinking it's on 10.0, and failing since that's way too
On Nov 12, 2020, at 23:08, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
> One or two times past, an Xcode version around the time of a new OS release
> has been a problem on the older OS.
> I don't see anything likely to be that way with Xcode 12.2 (and MacPorts) on
> Catalina, but I'm looking for alternati