The buildbot_badges plugin is using cairo. You can try to uninstall
that to move forward
Le sam. 18 mai 2019 à 07:58, Rajdeep Bharati
a écrit :
> Hi,
> I was trying out the webpack PR. Here's what I did:
> clone the branch git clone --single-branch --branch www-webpack
> https://
On 18.05.19 00:04, Rainer Müller wrote:
> On 17.05.19 23:54, Umesh Singla wrote:
>> I tried setting one up. Well, it only takes one to sign up (email
>> optional) and create rooms. Please give it
>> a try: https://riot.im/app/#/room/#macports-public:matrix.org. This
>> one's a public room, you can
lots of people on this list would use virtualbox for at least some VMs, so I
thought I'd save you some trouble perhaps. The latest update to Mojave has
blocked the kext from installing, so you can't install or update VB any longer.
If you boot into recovery mode and run this command from the VBo