> On Dec 29, 2016, at 5:35 PM, Craig Treleaven wrote:
>> On Dec 29, 2016, at 4:33 PM, Vincent Habchi wrote:
>> I’m trying to create a redistributable binary of grass7. I just read the
>> relevant webpage on the Macports website.
BTW, I notice that grass7 indirectly depends on font-config.
> On Dec 29, 2016, at 4:33 PM, Vincent Habchi wrote:
> I’m trying to create a redistributable binary of grass7. I just read the
> relevant webpage on the Macports website.
> Questions:
> • How to choose a suitable prefix? Any heuristics? Just a shot in the dark?
I’ve never seen anything a
I’m trying to create a redistributable binary of grass7. I just read the
relevant webpage on the Macports website.
• How to choose a suitable prefix? Any heuristics? Just a shot in the dark?
• Must I recompile everything from source, or can I use binaries?
>From a users point of view, it's not clear what I should be doing and
how Ticket's link with Pull Requests and vs versa? The MacPorts Guide
still mostly talks about patches and trac, it doesn't feel like it's
been update with how git should be used.
At the moment I;
1) raise a trac ticket
2) crea
I believe that we need some written guidelines about opening trac
tickets and pull request. Many people now open both at the same time.
That's not as bad when they are at least referenced properly (and
annoying when they are not), but it probably doesn't serve anyone to
have both.
(I believe