On Mon, May 13, 2002 at 06:27:26PM -0400, Nirmal Govind wrote:
> >Put the following line in the preamble
> >\newcommand{\sub}[1]{\raisebox{-1pt}{$\scriptstyle #1$}}
> >and when you write the subscript, (for example, suppose it is 'A'),
> >write \sub{A (on screen you will see sub{A}).
> Thank
>Put the following line in the preamble
>\newcommand{\sub}[1]{\raisebox{-1pt}{$\scriptstyle #1$}}
>and when you write the subscript, (for example, suppose it is 'A'),
>write \sub{A (on screen you will see sub{A}).
Thanks Dekel... I tried it.. and it seems the braces {} shouldn't be
there.. so \
On Sun, May 12, 2002 at 01:19:52PM -0400, Nirmal Govind wrote:
> Hi,
> Two issues:
> 1. When I write an upper case subscript for a bold letter within the math
> mode, my subscript isn't low enough and thus the top of the subscript is
> very close to the top of the bold letter. LyX displays
Two issues:
1. When I write an upper case subscript for a bold letter within the math
mode, my subscript isn't low enough and thus the top of the subscript is
very close to the top of the bold letter. LyX displays it fine in the
editor but the dvi and ps output have this problem. How do I