u have four options.
1. The Easy Option: Try some other classes, such as paper or
koma-script, and see if you like their title pages better.
2. The Steve Litt Option: Turn off the title page and make one
manually, not using the Title and Author environments to do so but
by just
I'm using the article document class and want to alter the title page. In
particular, for many reasons I don't want to use the author environments, but
rather list the authors and affiliations as standard text. However, when I do
this, the vertical spacing is off. And when I insert vertic
Enboldened by my sucess with the previous question, here's a second.
Attched is a small (3kB) file that creates a sample header page. I've
followed Herbert's HOWTO on the help pages to get this far and, indeed, it
looks very good. However, it's a right royal pain to write. Even I can type