In the embedded objects manual, and in other places in documentation, I
find it written that I can include files in my lyx document by using
Insert > File> External Material and then choosing a template.
But all of the documentation says that available templates are chess,
date, lilypond, r
Anca Tibor- Attila wrote:
> I have bibliography related question. I actually run mysql with a few
> sheets of bibliographical data, that I would like to import, some how.
> The main question is, if I can get somewhere a few templates for lyx to
> generate (?, I do not even know, how this functions)
I am both new to lyx and to the list. I try now to import my whole
Dissertation to lyx, this goes well (I only have to reformat the
Document and type footnotes, but a better way from OOo...)
I have bibliography related question. I actually run mysql with a few
sheets of bibliographical dat