On 2003-06-11, 02:33 GMT, Myriam Abramson wrote:
> I have an "old" lyx file (report layout) where the greek and math
> symbols are spelled out in Lyx 1.3.2 (the postscript is ok). Any
> ideas?
This was answered thousand times -- you need ttf fonts from
ftp.sylvan.com (see the archives of the
It has been sometime since I read this, but as far as I remember you need to
run a lyx2lyx type of command to convert old lyx files to the new file
format. I probably have read it in the mailing list. Hope you can find more
On Tuesday 10 June 2003 10:33 pm, Myriam Abramson wrote:
I have an "old" lyx file (report layout) where the greek and
math symbols are spelled out in Lyx 1.3.2 (the postscript is ok).
Any ideas?