Stephen Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Maybe that sounded complicated, but it takes less than
> 15 seconds to switch back and forth by renaming folders.
> I don't know if it is this easy using Linux, but there should
> be a way.
You need not renaming your folders. Call one folder LyX137 an
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:38 AM
Subject: Re: side-by-side installation of 1.3.7 and 1.4.0
[OOPS, it went to Georg's private inbox :(. My
Thank you Georg.
Well, I don'
[OOPS, it went to Georg's private inbox :(. My
Thank you Georg.
Well, I don't know whether that would be possible, but
if Uwe could provide a windows installer capable of
side-by-side installation (bundling a binary version
built as Georg mentioned), that could be good for a
Nusret BALCI wrote:
> Hi all,
> Will it be possible to install LyX 1.4 alongside 1.3.7
> when it's released? Thank you!
Yes, this is possible if you install from source and use the
--with-version-suffix switch of the configure script.
Hi all,
Will it be possible to install LyX 1.4 alongside 1.3.7
when it's released? Thank you!
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