Thanks everyone for the fast help: Dump me, I did not check the
-.out...still exixting, so that's what caused the trouble...
>> Try to run with "-dbg lyxserver" and send the messages to the
>> lyx-devel list.
>> JMarc
Arne Pallentin
Department of Earth Sciences
Thanks everyone for the fast help: Dump me, I did not check the
-.out...still exixting, so that's what caused the trouble...
> Try to run with "-dbg lyxserver" and send the messages to the
> lyx-devel list.
> JMarc
Arne Pallentin
Department of Earth Sciences
The Univ
> "Arne" == Arne Pallentin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Arne> Hi there, I just tried for the first time with 1.1.6 (compiled
Arne> from source) to insert a citation from Pybliographic via the
Arne> serverpipe. I get an error: Can't connect to LyX:stopped during
Arne> operating system call (wel
Hi there,
I just tried for the first time with 1.1.6 (compiled from source) to insert a
citation from Pybliographic via the serverpipe. I get an error: Can't connect to
LyX:stopped during operating system call (well, a very rough translation from
the german original). I did not get this error in