Marcelo Acuÿf1a wrote:
> While I was making a minimal example file I found the origin of
> problem,
This is the main reason for doing a minimal example.
> this is:
> \usepackage[flushmargin]{footmisc}
> I put that in preamble for get an apropiate format of footnote.
> But, now, I
>> \setkomafont{footnote}{\sffamily}
> This works for me. Can you send a minimal example file?
While I was making a minimal example file I found the origin of
problem, this is:
I put that in preamble for get an apropiate format of foot
Marcelo Acuÿf1a wrote:
> \setkomafont{footnote}{\sffamily}
This works for me. Can you send a minimal example file?
I writing a book in Koma-script style.
I want to set sans serif font family for all footnotes.
In accordance with scrguien.pdf I put in preamble
but this no work.
I can not see any change.
How I get it?