> "Richard" == Richard Heck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Richard> Michael Abshoff wrote:
>> Hello,
>>> It works fine under LyX on Linux. Great, actually. The problem
>>> here is that there are no "named pipes" under Windows,
>> I disagree with you on that one. See
>> http://msdn.microsoft.
Regarding lyx pipes and all the rest is there any easier way to use
\footcite than via ERT? Pybliographer doesn't distinguish \cite from
\footcite. Do any bibtex frontends?
Michael Abshoff wrote:
It works fine under LyX on Linux. Great, actually. The problem here is
that there are no "named pipes" under Windows,
I disagree with you on that one. See
"Windows Me/98
Michael Abshoff wrote:
> Hello,
>> It works fine under LyX on Linux. Great, actually. The problem here is
>> that there are no "named pipes" under Windows,
> I disagree with you on that one. See
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/ipc/base/named_pipes.asp
> It works fine under LyX on Linux. Great, actually. The problem here is
> that there are no "named pipes" under Windows,
I disagree with you on that one. See
> which is what LyX
It works fine under LyX on Linux. Great, actually. The problem here is
that there are no "named pipes" under Windows, which is what LyX uses to
communicate with the outside world. (These are things that look like
files but aren't really files at all: Programs can write into them and
other programs
Hi, I use Jabref and there is an option to "push to LyX" using
lyxpipe? Does this work on windows? If not can it be made to work in
other versions of LyX.