In my lyx document I wish to put the figure approximatively where
they should be in the final document. However, I wish, in a draft
version, to have all the figures coming at the end of the document.
Is there an option to do so ?
Try the endfloat package. In the preamble put
> In my lyx document I wish to put the figure approximatively where
> they should be in the final document. However, I wish, in a draft
> version, to have all the figures coming at the end of the document.
> Is there an option to do so ?
Usually I use figcaps package, inserted in latex preamble
In my lyx document I wish to put the figure approximatively where
they should be in the final document. However, I wish, in a draft
version, to have all the figures coming at the end of the document.
Is there an option to do so ?