> Some classes (I know this from the Springer LNCS article class) don't
> like the hyperref redefinitions for implicit hyperlinks. However, in
> such cases hyperref can still be used to tag the PDF metadata, just
> pass it an implicit = false as option.
> The followin
r, in
such cases hyperref can still be used to tag the PDF metadata, just
pass it an implicit = false as option.
The following is an example snipped from my preamble in such cases (it
wraps the usepackage into an \ifpdf, as hyperref caused problems here
if one does not use p
Pavel Sanda schrieb:
thanks for help. however hyperref causes that number of
tex errors pop up during latex compilation.
It shouldn't. Assure that hyperref is loaded in your preamble as the
first package if possible.
regagards Uwe
> Yes ther is. Here is an example preamble sequence to get this:
> % link all cross references and URLs in pdf output
> \usepackage[colorlinks=true, bookmarks, bookmarksnumbered,
> bookmarksopen,
> linkcolor=black, citecolor=black, urlcolor=blue, filecolor=blue,
> pdfpagelayout=OneColumn
Sanda Pavel schrieb:
is there any possibility howto setup title and author in lyx document
in the way, that generated pdf has these strings in metadata ?
Yes ther is. Here is an example preamble sequence to get this:
% link all cross references and URLs in pdf output
hi all,
is there any possibility howto setup title and author in lyx document
in the way, that generated pdf has these strings in metadata ?