On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 04:17:31PM +0200, Dominik Waßenhoven wrote:
> Tim Michelsen schrieb am 31.05.2007:
> >Hello,
> >I am writing a text with the class "report (koma-script)".
> >I am having the following problem:
> >When I add an appendix all
> >numerations will have a ending point add
I don't know if you understood it already (or maybe I did not get your
I understood you answer.
There are two possibilities according to Duden 1996:
I check my Duden once again and couldn't find it. No way. The new Duden
even has no R.x rules. they are named K.x
I you have a page nume
Tim Michelsen schrieb am 31.05.2007:
When I will this text finshed I gonna contact the author of koma script
for clarification.
Strange that no one else wondered about this. Especially the issue
reported for figures and tables is wired:
I don't
This is inconsistent and wrong. The 1996 Duden says (R4): "Bei der
Abschnittsgliederung *mit Ziffern und Buchstaben* steht der Punkt nach
römischen und arabischen Zahlen und nach Großbuchstaben." i.e. the dot
has to be after numbers *and* letters, if there is an appendix. I cannot
find this
Tim Michelsen schrieb am 31.05.2007:
I am writing a text with the class "report (koma-script)".
I am having the following problem:
When I add an appendix all
numerations will have a ending point added.
I found the problem with the option "pointednumbers" in koma script.
(see p. 4
I am writing a text with the class "report (koma-script)".
I am having the following problem:
When I add an appendix all
numerations will have a ending point added.
I found the problem with the option "pointednumbers" in koma script.
(see p. 47: