In the same line that Peter I use:
this command simply executes the script file animate_up.bat, that in my
case contains the command "animate slide8/up.gif". (By the way, run only
accepts one parameter, that is, \href{run:animate slide8/up.gif is
Torben Lund wrote:
> Dear lyx-users
> Is it possible to in include a movie (mpeg/avi/mov ...) in a PDF
> document using pdflatex?
Hi Torben,
I think you want to use it for a Powerpoint-like presentation?
AFAIK, PDF does not support embedded animations. However, you can use
the hyperlink fe
Torben Lund wrote:
> Dear lyx-users
> Is it possible to in include a movie (mpeg/avi/mov ...) in a PDF
> document using pdflatex?
To include avi files you can use the following command in the preamble:
\newcommand{\video}[5]{\vspace{#3}\hspace{#2}{\pdfannot width #4 height
#5 depth 0cm { /
Dear lyx-users
Is it possible to in include a movie (mpeg/avi/mov ...) in a PDF
document using pdflatex?
Regards Torben Lund
n:Lund;Torben Ellegaard
tel;work:+45 3632 3324
org:Danish Research Centre for MR
adr:;;Præstøgade 7A 2.;Copenhagen Eas