On Tue, 20 Nov 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> When I finish a centered math display equation, the next
> paragraph wants to be intended. I don't want that sometimes,
> sometimes I want to continue the same paragraph, which should be
> flush left.
At the end of your formula line press ctrl-En
> When I finish a centered math display equation, the next
> paragraph wants to be intended. I don't want that sometimes,
> sometimes I want to continue the same paragraph, which should be
> flush left.
I don't get an indentation with article/book/report
> "pauljohn" == pauljohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
pauljohn> When I finish a centered math display equation, the next
pauljohn> paragraph wants to be intended. I don't want that sometimes,
pauljohn> sometimes I want to continue the same paragraph, which
pauljohn> should be flush left.
When I finish a centered math display equation, the next
paragraph wants to be intended. I don't want that sometimes,
sometimes I want to continue the same paragraph, which should be
flush left.
Am I supposed to use a post equation environment different from
I guess the same environm