I have win xp (home edn) on my notebook running exceed (v.6) hummingbird
and the cygwin windows port of lyx 1.2.1. This runs fine. I'd recommend
this as a possible solution.
I also don't have any problems with exceed running other X applications.
What version of exceed do you have?
On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 03:55:40PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> i am working with linux kde on windows xp via exceed hummingbird/putty
> (ssh). my problem is an unstability of running lyx. with the help of some
> tricks
> it is running, sometimes stable.
Do you have an idea regarding the cau
i am working with linux kde on windows xp via exceed hummingbird/putty
(ssh). my problem is an unstability of running lyx. with the help of some
it is running, sometimes stable. but: is there a really convenient solution
for this problem?
thanx for help
+++ GMX - Mail,