ok, now i see my error... i'm sorry, i read errors that LaTeX returned,
but i did'nt unterstand... now, it seems clear. Normally, i shouldn't add
nothing between my floats... but i'll find something (maybe a graphic not
in a float would work ? i'll see ) ...
Thank you
Hi again,
just found some more info, xo please excuse the second mail.
> I'll hope it's my fault... but i really don't find where i'm wrong.
According to http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=tmupfl it is ;-)
"The error also occurs [...] [if] you're inside it long sequence of fig
Hi again,
just found some more info, xo please excuse the second mail.
> I'll hope it's my fault... but i really don't find where i'm wrong.
According to http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=tmupfl it is ;-)
"The error also occurs [...] [if] you're inside it long sequence of fig
> So, it looks as if it was the number of floatting pictures which was the
> problem.
You're right, that's the problemn (as the 8th error message says "too many
unprocessed floats")
That's a problem caused by latex, because it tries to hold back floats that it
thinks don't "fit" perfectly on
hello :)
Excuse me, but i have a problem : in a file, i put 5 floatting
tables, and 13 floatting pictures ... i may "ctrl-d" without any problems.
But if i add another floatting pictures, i get 9 errors. I tried to remove
one floatting picture (anyone) and it works.
So, i