> "Nicolas" == Nicolas SABOURET <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Nicolas> Hi, In lyx1.2 (and before), when using either french or
Nicolas> french-Gutenberg, Lyx automatically adds a blank space before
Nicolas> double dots ":".
Nicolas> 1. IMHO, it is not necessary since most french users are used
Helge Hafting wrote:
> How about selecting that part of the text, layout->character
> and select english or some other language that don't add spaces?
It works. This is perfect for long texts without "automatic spacing",
such as lyx-code or URLs. It also works for references (just select the
In lyx1.2 (and before), when using either french or french-Gutenberg,
Lyx automatically adds a blank space before double dots ":".
1. IMHO, it is not necessary since most french users are used to typing
this blank space before the double dot, especially when no space appear
in the lyx window