The cocoAspell installer puts cocoAspell.service into
~/Library/Services - that works fine on my machine with Tiger and a
single user.
For a multi-user machine under Leopard, that service needs to be
moved, by root, to /Library/Services
This solved my cocoAspell problems with Lyx and Skim on Leop
Richard Talley writes:
> Any suggestions? Anybody on the list successfully using cocoAspell
> with LyX on Leopard?
It works fine for me under Leopard. I don't believe I did anything
specialto install it, just follow the instructions. Maybe try to
uninstall and reinstall?
Hello LyX-Users,
I installed MacTeX 2008, cocoAspell 2.0.4.i86, Skim 1.2.1, and LyX
1.6.2 on an Intel Mac running Leopard (10.5.6).
I have almost exactly the same setup on my personal machine except
it's MacTeX 2007, Tiger (10.4.11) and, obviously, cocoAspell
Works like a charm on my