Detlev Humann wrote:
> > 1. How can I reduce the extra vertical space in the LoT that is generated
> > between table-entries of different parts? I´d like to have the same
> spacing
> > between all entries in the LoT.
I always get the same spacing with koma book-class.
> > 2. How can I get rid o
- Original Message -
From: Detlev Humann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 10:53 PM
Subject: Vertical spacing in LoT and points after numbering in LoT (Re:
caption numbering and point after caption II)
> > >
> Detlev Humann wrote:
> Hi!
> I´m writing in book-class (koma-script) and I use \appendix to mark my
> apendix-section.
> 1. Problem: What I don´t like is the default numbering of tables and
> figures in captions, LoT and LoF (eg. "Table 2.3."). So I changed it
> with \renewcommand{\thetabl
I´m writing in book-class (koma-script) and I use
\appendix to mark my apendix-section.
1. Problem: What I don´t like is the default
numbering of tables and figures in captions, LoT and LoF (eg. "Table
2.3."). So I changed it with \renewcommand{\thetable}{\arabic{table}} an I got
now e