> Can you send an example file ?
I did, please see my last posting.
Should I now send a bug report to lyx-developers, or can you help me with
this issue?
Thank you,
> > I am writing german documents that contain greek words.
> > It works fine except the TOC in the .dvi file will be greek after the
> > paragraph containing the first greek word(s).
> Can you send an example file ?
> The above code is correct: the scope of the \selectlanguage command is only
On Tue, Feb 20, 2001 at 03:17:43PM +0100, Martin Gruner wrote:
> Gentlemen,
> I am writing german documents that contain greek words.
> It works fine except the TOC in the .dvi file will be greek after the
> paragraph containing the first greek word(s).
Can you send an example file ?
> The p
I am writing german documents that contain greek words.
It works fine except the TOC in the .dvi file will be greek after the
paragraph containing the first greek word(s).
The problem might be that lyx does not close the greek environment properly.
The latex-code looks like