> Alternatively, has anyone tried the MicroImages x-server.
Yes. It works quite well, but it shuts down after two hours in the free
trial version.
André Pönitz . [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lars Jensen wrote:
> I'm using the Win32 port of LyX on a machine which also is hooked up to
> a network. This causes a problem with X-Win32 X-server: Only one person
> at a time on a node can use the X-win32, so if someone else is using
> X-win32 I get an error message and X-win32 shuts down.
I'm using the Win32 port of LyX on a machine which also is hooked up to
a network. This causes a problem with X-Win32 X-server: Only one person
at a time on a node can use the X-win32, so if someone else is using
X-win32 I get an error message and X-win32 shuts down. This even though
I am only usi