Re: Strange biblatex error on a different machine

2012-01-05 Thread Peter Baumgartner
Dominik, You were right! The installation of my coauthor is using an older version, which was uploaded manually to a place in the tex path which has precedence over the new installation. I'm a little embarrassed as I should have checked the versions first of all. Thanks for your help! Peter

Re: Strange biblatex error on a different machine

2012-01-05 Thread Dominik Waßenhoven
.:|Peter Baumgartner|:. wrote: > File: authoryear-icomp.cbx 2011/06/08 v1.5 biblatex citation style Compare the version number of this file. Is it the same? If not, you have different versions of biblatex. Regards, Dominik.- --

Strange biblatex error on a different machine

2012-01-04 Thread Peter Baumgartner
Hello, I'm working on a book with a coauthor. I copied all my files (including preamble and .bib database) to his machine. We are calling biblatex with the following options: \usepackage[style=authoryear-icomp,natbib=true,block=space,hyperref=true,abb reviate=true,sorting=nyt,backend=bibtex8,isbn