_/ On Fri 09 Sep 2005 09:07:37 BST, [s.vestli] wrote : \_
> I seem to be unable to change the font. No matter ..
Are you unable to change screen fonts? Output/printout fonts? With the
over text with modified font/s, can you see an alterative font name in
status bar
_/ On Thu 08 Sep 2005 21:03:12 BST, [Sjur Vestli] wrote : \_
Dear All,
I seem to be unable to change the font. No matter what I do (as
explained in the manual and elsewhere) I get Times. Any suggestions?
Kind regards
Are you unable to change screen fonts? Output/printout fonts? Wit
Dear All,
I seem to be unable to change the font. No matter what I do (as
explained in the manual and elsewhere) I get Times. Any suggestions?
Kind regards
Sjur J. Vestli