but in my head if you need a toc and to start sections anew for each
part, you do not write an article ;).
You caught me; I'm not writing an article. The article class is just the
one I'm most familiar manipulating. I'm also not releasing the source
for my document, so I'm more comfortable wit
> I want the section numbering to restart for each part in the article
> class. The only way I have devised is a simple hack in the
> LaTeX preamble:
> \let\oldpart\part
> \renewcommand{part}[1]{\oldpart{#1}
> \setcounter{section}{0}}
> This works great, except for the Table of Contents
Hi all,
I want the section numbering to restart for each part in the article
class. The only way I have devised is a simple hack in the LaTeX preamble:
This works great, except for the Table of Contents. When I gen