On 11/03/2011 9:33 AM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:
Yes, my article class document has an inserted BibTeX bibliography that
pulls bib items from a .bib file. But in this particular REVTeX style,
all the citations, bibliographic information, as well as comments that
would ordinarily go in footnotes, appe
On 10/03/2011 5:58 PM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:
Thank you, Julien. That's very helpful. But iyour description makes it
seem like there's no way to make these formatting changes from within
LyX, starting from a document already formatted in the Article class. Is
that right?
If I were starting in LyX
On Mar 10, 2011, at 4:37 PM, Julien Rioux wrote:
On 10/03/2011 11:05 AM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:
I'm still having problems converting an Article class document (with
footnotes and citations) to a REVTeX4
(\documentclass[12pt,aps,prb,preprint]{revtex4}) document, where
are no footnotes,
On 10/03/2011 11:05 AM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:
I'm still having problems converting an Article class document (with
footnotes and citations) to a REVTeX4
(\documentclass[12pt,aps,prb,preprint]{revtex4}) document, where there
are no footnotes, but citations and comments appear together in
I'm still having problems converting an Article class document (with
footnotes and citations) to a REVTeX4
(\documentclass[12pt,aps,prb,preprint]{revtex4}) document, where there
are no footnotes, but citations and comments appear together in
endnotes. I selected REVTeX4 and put the options