ubject: Re: Questions on elsarticle
This has probably already been answered, but if not: you need to use BibTeX
and select an author-date style. Check out section 6.5 (Bibliography) of the
User Guide, and http://wiki.lyx.org/BibTeX/BibTeX (hmm, I thought there was
a page with step by step instru
missing something, but it struck me as overly difficult to get a
'proper' author-year format in the manner you describe.
Apologies if I've misunderstood what you're after!
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: "Jun Gu"
> To:
Dear Members,
I am using the template from Lyx for a manuscript which requires author-year
citation in text. However, no matter what kind of efforts I have made, the
citation doesn't work but only with a numeral ID at the end of the citation.
Taking an example as Jones (1995). What I want is 'J