Am 28.01.23 um 18:00 schrieb Herbert Voss:
Am 28.01.23 um 15:46 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
I have a greek Psi in the text, the same Psi in the legend of a figure.
The former is displayed in the pdf output, the latter not.
The error message is:
LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/Libertin
Am 28.01.23 um 15:46 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
I have a greek Psi in the text, the same Psi in the legend of a figure.
The former is displayed in the pdf output, the latter not.
The error message is:
LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/LibertinusSerif(0)/m/it' will be
I have a greek Psi in the text, the same Psi in the legend of a figure.
The former is displayed in the pdf output, the latter not.
The error message is:
LaTeX Font Info:Font shape `TU/LibertinusSerif(0)/m/it' will be
(Font) scaled to size 10.95pt on input line 253.
LaTeX Fon