Hi Gustav,
I had a similar problem some time ago and posted a question. This topic
was discussed quite thoroughly, but here my suggestion:
2006-06-07 12:13 +0200, Gustav Von Sydow:
> Hi!
> I'm using LYX 1.4.1 for windows and wibTeX to edit my references. An
> entry in the database looks like t
>>Subject: Problems with citations and URL
>>Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 12:13:34 +0200
>>From: "Gustav Von Sydow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>I'm using LYX 1.4.1 for windows and wibTeX to edit my referen
I'm using LYX 1.4.1 for windows and wibTeX to edit my references. An
entry in the database looks like this:
AUTHOR= {Mark Collier},
TITLE= {Basic Vulnerability Issues for SIP Security},
JOURNAL= {SecureLogix Corporation},