Matthias Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> But I have some problems with pdf-view, that I had not with Lyx 1.5.6.
It turns out to be a LaTeX problem (see below).
> Problem with help-file userguide.lyx:
>LaTeX Error: File `wasysym.sty' not found.
> Problem with help-file
Matthias Schmidt wrote:
I installed Lyx 1.6.0 now and - congratulations: it is really good.
But I have some problems with pdf-view, that I had not with Lyx 1.5.6.
I'm shure, someone can help me and tell me, what to do:
The view of the help-files intro.lyx and tutorial.lyx is ok.
I installed Lyx 1.6.0 now and - congratulations: it is really good.
But I have some problems with pdf-view, that I had not with Lyx 1.5.6.
I'm shure, someone can help me and tell me, what to do:
The view of the help-files intro.lyx and tutorial.lyx is ok.
Problem with help-file userguide