In a recent message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Uwe Stöhr
I tried to upgrade MikTex to version 2.5. As a result pdflatex in LyX
version LyXWin144Small-2-10.exe didn't work anymore.
You have to reconfigure LyX when you made changes to LaTeX.
It is highliy recommended
Marius Disler schrieb:
I tried to upgrade MikTex to version 2.5. As a result pdflatex in LyX
version LyXWin144Small-2-10.exe didn't work anymore.
You have to reconfigure LyX when you made changes to LaTeX.
It is highliy recommended to reupgrade to MiKTeX 2.5. Run MiKTeX's update program twice
I tried to upgrade MikTex to version 2.5. As a result pdflatex in LyX
version LyXWin144Small-2-10.exe didn't work anymore. There was an error
message that LyX couldn't find the pdf-file in the temp-directory.
Therefore I reinstalled the old Miktex 2.4.1705. Now the koma-script
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