Groupme wrote:
I have installed Lyx 1.6 on both WinXP and Ubuntu 8.10.
But when I "new from template...", I select one of template but it alert
that "The layout file requested by this document, hollywood.layout, is not
usable. This is probably because a Latex class or style file required b
Dear Tony,
this message sounds like a partly installed TeX system on your box. It is only
partly related to lyx - lyx is missing TeX files it needs for proper
So you might try to do a full install of texlive (don't know about ubuntu, but
you shoule be able to get something from i. e.
I have installed Lyx 1.6 on both WinXP and Ubuntu 8.10.
But when I "new from template...", I select one of template but it alert
that "The layout file requested by this document, hollywood.layout, is not
usable. This is probably because a Latex class or style file required by is
not availabl