Sendak, John schrieb:
Thank you so much for your rapid and extremely useful reply.
You are correct - I am using Windows - and I must have used another export
I entered acrobat.exe in the three pdf viewers and all worked well.
I also have some other problems :
In exporting updated pdflatex f
Hi John,
> This shows up in the LyX file but with an error message, as attached.
For me this sounds, like your file isn't lokatet where Lyx is looking for it.
> I am then unable to update the dvi or export to a pdf with pdfLaTeX.
I checked your file without problems. Ok i had to change the file l
Sendak, John wrote:
According to section of "Extended LyX Features", " .. with pdfLaTeX
it is possible to insert directly images in ... PNG.. "
This is correct. Your error looks like you used another export filter
instead of export -> PDF(pdflatex).
But what happens if you export your file
According to section of “Extended LyX Features”, “ .. with pdfLaTeX
it is possible to insert directly images in … PNG.. “
I have a LyX document into which I have inserted a png file – via the “insert/Graphic” toolbar.
This shows up in the LyX file but with an error mess