I am using xypic with LyX 1.3.6-1 for Windows.
Angus Leeming kindly showed me how to do this:
Place usepackage{xy} into the preamble and enter the
xycode, e.g.
\xymatrix{A \ar[r] B}
into the lyx editor, then mark it and hit C-S-m.
This works with most of what I need from xypic, but no
David L. Johnson wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 13:44:54 +0200 (CEST)
> "H. Peter Gumm"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> is there anyone working with LyX and xypic.
>> Is there any support, or are there any workarounds
H. Peter Gumm wrote:
is there anyone working with LyX and xypic.
If memory serves me right, André added some preliminary commutative diagram
support at some sage. Certainly, mathed contains math_xyarrowinset.{C,h}
and math_xymatrixinset.{C,h}.
Is there any support, or are there any
On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 13:44:54 +0200 (CEST)
"H. Peter Gumm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> is there anyone working with LyX and xypic.
> Is there any support, or are there any workarounds
> to see commutative diagrams in their full glory within LyX.
I u
is there anyone working with LyX and xypic.
Is there any support, or are there any workarounds
to see commutative diagrams in their full glory within LyX.
BTW: I need to work in the native Windows-version of LyX