> "Ronald" == Ronald Florence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Ronald> LyX-1.2.2 on MacOS 10.2.3 seems to leave zombies in the
Ronald> process table -- enough of them over time to exhaust the
Ronald> available process slots. (LyX was compiled with the gcc-3.1,
Ronald> xforms-1.0-1.)
This is a know
LyX-1.2.2 on MacOS 10.2.3 seems to leave zombies in the process table
-- enough of them over time to exhaust the available process slots.
(LyX was compiled with the gcc-3.1, xforms-1.0-1.)
Here's a glimpse of ps -aux after LyX has been running only a short
ron 3332 2.7 0.41133